Tagged: major battles


Old Abe the War Eagle: Mascot of the 8th Wisconsin Infantry

Many Civil War units had mascots, but perhaps the most famous of these was Old Abe the War Eagle, the mascot of the 8th Wisconsin Infantry.  Old Abe was a bald eagle that not...


The 7th Maine Infantry at the Battle of Antietam

By September 1862, the 7th Maine Infantry had been in the Army of the Potomac for a year. The regiment had seen action earlier in the year in the Peninsular Campaign in Virginia and...


Alonzo Cushing, Medal of Honor Winner

For a June 2012 update on the status Cushing’s Medal of Honor click here. The anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg on July 1st-3rd, is an appropriate time  to remember the heroics of the...


The Sinking and Raising of the U.S.S. Cairo

From the very beginning of the Civil War, both sides understood the importance of control of the Mississippi River.   To that end, the United States government built gunboats specifically designed for military operations in...