John Bell Hood Quick Facts

Name Meaning:

John is of Hebrew origin and means “God is gracious”.
Lt. Gen. John Bell Hood

Vital Stats

Birthday: June 1st or 29th, 1831, depending on source.
Birth Name: John Bell Hood
Birthplace: Owingsville, Kentucky
Date of Death: August 30th, 1879
Cause: Yellow fever
Place of Death: New Orleans
Height: 6’2″
Nationality: American
Ancestry: Danish, Dutch, Irish, English
Occupation before Civil War: U.S. Army officer
Occupation during Civil War: Confederate Army general
Occupation after Civil War: Businessman in the cotton brokerage and insurance businesses

Major Battles:

Peninsula Campaign, Second Bull Run, Antietam, Gettysburg, Chickamauga, Atlanta Campaign, Franklin, Nashville


Father: John W. Hood 1798-1852 Mother: Theodosia French Hood 1801-1886 Sister: Fanny Hood 1829-1833 Brother: William Hood 1831-1908 Sister: Olivia Hood 1838-1913


Married: Anna Marie Hennen April 30th, 1868 (June 28, 1837-August 24th, 1879)


Daughter: Lydia Hood 1869-1879 Daughter: Ethel Hood 1870-1956 Daughter: Anna Hood 1870-1934 (twin) Son: John Bell Hood Jr. 1871-1947 Son: Duncan Hood b. 1873 Daughter: Marion Hood b. 1874 Daughter: Lillian Hood b. 1874 (twin) Daughter: Odile Hood 1876-1919 Daughter: Ida Hood b. 1876 (twin) Son: Oswald Hood 1878-1929 Daughter: Anna Hood 1879-1880


John Bell Hood: The Rise, Fall, and Resurrection of a Confederate General by Stephen Hood Advance And Retreat: Personal Experiences In The United States And Confederate States Armies by General John Bell Hood

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