David G. Farragut Quick Facts

Admiral David Farragut

Name Meaning:

David is of Hebrew origin
and means “beloved”

Vital Stats

Birthday: July 5th, 1801
Birth Name: James Glasgow Farragut
Birthplace: Campbell’s Station, Tennessee
Date of Death: August 14th, 1870
Cause: Heart disease
Place of Death: Portsmouth,
New Hampshire
Nationality: American
Ancestry: Spanish and Scotch-Irish
Occupation before Civil War:
U.S. Navy officer
Occupation during Civil War:
U.S. Navy Admiral
Occupation after Civil War:
Remained on active duty as
Admiral until his death.

Major Battles:

Commander of West Gulf Blockading
Squadron, Battle of Forts Jackson
and St. Philips, Capture of New Orleans,
Siege of Port Hudson, Siege of Vicksburg,
Battle of Mobile Bay


Father: George Farragut (1755-1817)
Mother: Elizabeth Shine Farragut (1765-1808)
After the death of Elizabeth, George Farragut placed his children in adoptive families who could better take care of them. James was adopted by family friend David Porter’s family. Porter was a Commodore in the U.S. Navy, and the father of two future Civil War Naval officers, Admiral David D. Porter and Commodore William Porter. In honor of his adoptive father, James changed his first name to David in 1812.

Brother: William (b. 1797)
Sister: Nancy (b. 1804)
Sister: Elizabeth (b. 1807)


Married: Susan Marchant Farragut (1805-Dec. 28th, 1840)
on September 2nd, 1824
Married: Virginia Loyall Farragut
(Nov. 24th, 1824-Oct. 31st, 1884) on
December 26th, 1843


Loyall Farragut (Oct. 12th, 1844-Oct. 1st, 1916)


Lincoln and His Admirals
by Craig L. Symonds
The Life of David Glasgow Farragut: First Admiral of the United States Navy, Embodying His Journal and Letters
by Loyall Farragut

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1 Response

  1. jewelianne summers says:

    that is so cool that his name means beloved

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