George Thomas Quick Facts
Name Meaning
George is of Greek origin
meaning “farmer”
Vital Stats
Birthday: July 31, 1816
Birth Name:
George Henry Thomas
Southampton County, Virginia
Date of Death:
March 28, 1870
Cause: Stroke
Place of Death:
San Francisco
Height: About 6 feet
Nationality: American
Ancestry: Welsh, English,
French Huguenot
Occupation before Civil War:
Deputy County Clerk of Southampton
County prior to entering West Point,
then U.S. Army officer
Occupation during Civil War:
Union Army General
Occupation after Civil War:
Remained in the army.
Commanded the Military Division
of the Pacific at the time of his death.
Major Battles:
Mill Springs, Perryville,
Stones River, Chickamauga,
Missionary Ridge, Nashville
Father: John Thomas (d. 1829)
Mother: Elizabeth Rochelle Thomas
Brother: John William Thomas (1810-May 2, 1887)
Sister: Judith Elvira (1811-1903)
Brother: Benjamin (1814-1876)
Sister: Anne (b. 1827)
Sister: Francis G. (1829-1902)
Sister: Lucy (b. 1820)
Sister: Elizabeth
Sister: Juliet (b. 1827)
Married: Frances Lucretia Kellogg Nov.17, 1852
George Henry Thomas: As True As Steel
by Brian Steel Wills
George Thomas: Virginian for the Union
by Christopher J. Einolf
Rock of Chickamauga: The Life of General George H. Thomas
by Freeman Cleaves
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