Tagged: major battles


Admiral Farragut Passes the Port Hudson Batteries March 14, 1863

By the winter of 1863, Union forces controlled the Mississippi River with the exception of the approximately 110 miles between the Confederate strongholds of Vicksburg, Mississippi, and Port Hudson, Louisiana. Between these two points,...


U.S. Mint to Release Gettysburg and Vicksburg Quarters in 2011

As part of the America the Beautiful Quarters® Program, the United States Mint will release quarters honoring Gettysburg National Military Park and Vicksburg National Military Park in 2011. The Gettysburg Quarter will be released ...


Ambrose Bierce and the Civil War

Ambrose Bierce was born in Ohio on June 24th, 1842.  He was the 10th of 13 children of Marcus Aurelius Bierce and his wife Laura.  The family moved to Warsaw, Indiana in 1848.  By...


The Pontoon Bridges at the Battle of Fredericksburg

In November 1862, President Abraham Lincoln promoted Major General Ambrose Burnside to commander of the Army of the Potomac, replacing Major General George McClellan.  Burnside developed a plan to capture the Confederate capitol of...


Tennessee’s Civil War Sesquicentennial Commemoration

Tennessee was the last state to secede from the Union, holding off until June 8th 1861, or nearly two months after the war’s first shots were fired at Fort Sumter.  Eastern Tennessee had a...


The Death of General Elon J. Farnsworth at Gettysburg

Elon J. Farnsworth was born in Michigan in 1837.  At the outbreak of the Civil War, he enlisted in the 8th Illinois Cavalry as a 1st lieutenant.  He served as an aide to the...