Patrick Cleburne Quick Facts
Name Meaning
Patrick is of Latin origin and means
“patrician” or “noble”
Vital Stats
Birthday: March 16th or 17th, 1828
Birth Name: Patrick Ronayne Cleburne
Birthplace: Ovens, County Cork, Ireland
Height: 5’11”
Date of Death: November 30th, 1864
Place of Death: Franklin, Tennessee
Cause of Death: Killed in action
at the Battle of Franklin
Nationality: Irish; naturalized American
Ancestry: Irish
Occupation before Civil War:
Soldier in British army; pharmacist, lawyer
Occupation During Civil War: Officer
in Confederate army; achieved rank of
Major General.
Major Battles:
Shiloh, Richmond Kentucky, Perryville,
Stones River, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, Ringgold Gap,
Pickett’s Mill, Atlanta, Franklin
Father: Joseph Cleburne (1792-1843)
Mother: Mary Anne Ronayne Cleburn (d. 1829)
Brother: William
Brother: Joseph
Sister: Anne
Half Sister: Isabella
Half Brother: Robert
Half Brother: Christopher
Engaged to Susan Tarleton (1839-1868) at the
time of his death
Stonewall of the West: Patrick Cleburne and the Civil War
by Craig L. Symonds
A Meteor Shining Brightly: Essays on the Life of Major General Partrick Cleburne
Edited by Mauriel Joslyn
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