George G. Meade Quick Facts

Name Meaning

George is of Greek origin and
means “farmer”

Vital Stats

Birthday: December 31, 1815
Birth Name: George Gordon Meade
Birthplace: Cadiz, Spain (His
father was a naval agent of the U.S.
government stationed in Spain)
Date of Death: November 6, 1872
Cause: Pneumonia
Place of Death: Philadelphia, PA
Nationality: American
Ancestry: Irish
Occupation before Civil War:
Officer and engineer in U.S. Army.
Duties included designing lighthouses
and surveying. He was also a civilian
civil engineer from 1836-42.
Occupation during Civil War:
General in Union  Army, with commands
at the brigade, division, and corps level.
Commander of the Army of the
Potomac from June 28th, 1863
through the end of the war.
Occupation after Civil War:
General in the U.S. Army

Major Battles:

Peninsula Campaign, 2nd Bull Run,
South Mountain, Antietam,
Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville,
Gettysburg, Overland Campaign,
Siege of Petersburg, Appomattox Campaign


Father: Richard W. Meade 1778-1828
Mother: Margaret Meade 1782-1852
Sister: Henrietta Meade 1801-1831
Sister: Charlotte Meade 1803-1843
Sister: Elizabeth Meade 1805-1872
Brother: Richard W. Meade II 1807-1870
Sister: Margaret Meade 1808-1887
Sister: Maria Meade 1810-1877
Brother: Salvadore Meade 1812-1886
Brother: Robert Meade 1817-1841
Sister: Infant 1821
Sister: Marianne Meade 1823-1857


Married 12/31/1840 to Margaretta Sergeant
(June 26, 1814-January 7,1886)


John Meade 1841-1865
George Meade 1843-1897
Margaret Meade 1845-1905
Spencer Meade 1850-1911
Sarah Meade 1851-1913
Henrietta Meade 1853-1944
William Meade 1855-1891


The General Meade Society of Philadelphia
The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Major-General United States Army
by George G. Meade

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