Ambrose E. Burnside Quick Facts

Ambrose Burnside

Name Meaning

Ambrose is of Greek origin, meaning “immortal”

Vital Stats

Birthday:  May 23rd, 1824
Birth Name: Ambrose Everett Burnside
Birthplace:  Liberty, Indiana
Date of Death:  September 13th, 1881
Cause:  Heart disease
Place of Death:  Bristol, Rhode Island
Nationality:  American
Ancestry:  Scottish
Occupation before Civil War:  Tailor, U.S. Army officer, rifle manufacturer, railroad executive
Occupation during Civil War: Union Army general
Occupation after Civil War: Railroad executive, governor of Rhode Island, U.S. Senator

Major Battles:

First Bull Run, Burnside’s North
Carolina Expedition, South Mountain,
Antietam, Fredericksburg,
Knoxville Campaign, Overland
Campaign, Battle of the Crater


Father: Edghill Burnside (1797-1859)
Mother: Pamela Burnside (1795-1841)
8 Siblings:
Cynthia Ann Burnside Gould (1815-79)
Henrietta Burnside Ross (1817-47)
Henry M. (1819-74)
Benjamin F. (1826-?)
Ellen W. Burnside (1829-?)
Thomas B. (1832-33)
Harris E. (1834-35)
William B. (5/24/1838-9/7/38)


Married 4/27/1852: Mary Richmond Bishop




Burnside by William Marvel
Generals in Blue: Lives of the Union Commanders By Ezra J. Warner

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2 Responses

  1. A Student says:

    Ambrose Burnside was born on May 23rd, not March.

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