Tagged: ulysses grant


Ulysses S. Grant Quick Facts

Name Meaning Ulysses is of Latin origin, a variant of the Greek name “Odysseus,” meaning “wrathful” Vital Stats Birthday: April 27, 1822 Birth Name: Hiram Ulysses Grant, sometimes given as Ulysses Simpson Grant (see...


Sons of the Flag (A Toast)

Here is a poem by newspaperman, George Morrow Mayo, written during World War I, referencing the Civil War, which became quite popular. He hoped the spirit of Ulysses L. Grant would be with soldiers...


Tennessee’s Civil War Sesquicentennial Commemoration

Tennessee was the last state to secede from the Union, holding off until June 8th 1861, or nearly two months after the war’s first shots were fired at Fort Sumter.  Eastern Tennessee had a...