Category: Featured


Stonewall Jackson Quick Facts

Name Meaning Thomas is of Aramaic origin, meaning “twin” Vital Stats Birthday:  January 21, 1824 Birth Name: Thomas Jonathan Jackson Birthplace:  Clarksburg, Virginia (now West Virginia) Date of Death:  May 10, 1863 Cause:  Pneumonia contracted...


William T. Sherman Quick Facts

Name Meaning William is of Old German origin, meaning “defender, protector” Vital Stats Birthday:  February 8, 1820 Birth Name:  William Tecumseh Sherman. Some sources say “William” was added later. Birthplace: Lancaster, Ohio Date of...


Robert E. Lee Quick Facts

Name Meaning Robert is of Old German origin, meaning “bright fame” Vital Stats Birthday: January 19th, 1807 Birth Name: Robert Edward Lee Birthplace: Westmoreland County, Virginia Date of Death: October 12th, 1870 Cause: Pneumonia...


Ulysses S. Grant Quick Facts

Name Meaning Ulysses is of Latin origin, a variant of the Greek name “Odysseus,” meaning “wrathful” Vital Stats Birthday: April 27, 1822 Birth Name: Hiram Ulysses Grant, sometimes given as Ulysses Simpson Grant (see...