John S. Mosby Quick Facts
Name Meaning Hebrew: God is gracious Vital Stats Birthday: December 6th, 1833 Birth Name: John Singleton Mosby Birthplace: Powhatan County, VA Date of Death: May 30th, 1916 Place of Death: Washington D.C. Height: 5’7″...
Civil War Info and Resources
Name Meaning Hebrew: God is gracious Vital Stats Birthday: December 6th, 1833 Birth Name: John Singleton Mosby Birthplace: Powhatan County, VA Date of Death: May 30th, 1916 Place of Death: Washington D.C. Height: 5’7″...
Name Meaning Greek: Lover of horses Vital Stats Birthday: March 6, 1831 Birth Name: Philip Henry Sheridan Birthplace: Disputed * Date of Death: August 5th, 1888 Cause: Heart attack Place of Death: Nonquitt, MA...
November 1861 in the Civil War As November 1861 began, both sides in the Civil War continued to shuffle commanders in various locations. Major General George McClellan succeeded 75 year old Winfield Scott as...
During the warmer months of the year and especially when actively campaigning, soldiers in the Civil War lived in tents. Several types of tents were used during the war, one of which was the...
Name Meaning James is of Hebrew origin meaning “he who supplants” Vital Stats Birthday: January 8th, 1821 Birth Name: James Longstreet Birthplace: Edgefield District, SC Height: 6′ * Date of Death: January 2nd, 1904...
October 1861 in the Civil War As the Civil War moved into its first autumn, neither army had any immediate plans for major offensive operations. In Washington, General George McClellan busied himself with organizing...
Civil War in the News September 2011 For decades, the generally accepted figure for the number of deaths in the Civil War was 620,000. This was a best estimate based on available casualty figures...
Name Meaning George is of Greek origin meaning “farmer” Vital Stats Birthday: December 3, 1827 Birth Name: George Brinton McClellan Birthplace: Philadelphia, PA Date of Death: October 29th, 1885 (gravesite) Cause: Heart attack Place...
Abraham Lincoln
John Buford
Ambrose E. Burnside
Joshua L. Chamberlain
George A. Custer
David G. Farragut
James A. Garfield
Ulysses S. Grant
Winfield Scott Hancock
Rutherford B. Hayes
Nathaniel Lyon
George B. McClellan
James B. McPherson
George G. Meade
John F. Reynolds
John Sedgwick
Philip H. Sheridan
William T. Sherman
Edwin M. Stanton
George H. Thomas
Jefferson Davis
Richard H. Anderson
Braxton Bragg
Patrick Cleburne
Nathan Bedford Forrest
A. P. Hill
John Bell Hood
Stonewall Jackson
Albert Sidney Johnston
Joseph E. Johnston
Robert E. Lee
James Longstreet
John S. Mosby
George E. Pickett
Leonidas Polk
Sterling Price
Edmund Kirby Smith
J.E.B. Stuart
Richard Taylor