Category: Featured

John S. Mosby 3

John S. Mosby Quick Facts

Name Meaning Hebrew: God is gracious Vital Stats Birthday: December 6th, 1833 Birth Name:  John Singleton Mosby Birthplace:  Powhatan County, VA Date of Death: May 30th, 1916 Place of Death: Washington D.C. Height: 5’7″...


Philip H. Sheridan Quick Facts

Name Meaning Greek: Lover of horses Vital Stats Birthday: March 6, 1831 Birth Name: Philip Henry Sheridan Birthplace: Disputed * Date of Death: August 5th, 1888 Cause: Heart attack Place of Death: Nonquitt, MA...


The Sibley Tent in the Civil War

During the warmer months of the year and especially when actively campaigning, soldiers in the Civil War lived in tents. Several types of tents were used during the war, one of which was the...


James Longstreet Quick Facts

Name Meaning James is of Hebrew origin meaning “he who supplants” Vital Stats Birthday:  January 8th, 1821 Birth Name:  James Longstreet Birthplace:  Edgefield District, SC Height: 6′ * Date of Death:  January 2nd, 1904...


George B. McClellan Quick Facts

Name Meaning George is of Greek origin meaning “farmer” Vital Stats Birthday: December 3, 1827 Birth Name: George Brinton McClellan Birthplace: Philadelphia, PA Date of Death:  October 29th, 1885 (gravesite) Cause:  Heart attack Place...