The Eternal Light Peace Monument at Gettysburg
On July 3rd, 1938, some 1800 aged Union and Confederate veterans of the Civil War were gathered at Gettysburg National Military Park. It was the 75th anniversary of the third and final day of...
Civil War Info and Resources
On July 3rd, 1938, some 1800 aged Union and Confederate veterans of the Civil War were gathered at Gettysburg National Military Park. It was the 75th anniversary of the third and final day of...
On February 10th, 1862, the 10,500 man Union Army of the Southwest, under the command of Brigadier General Samuel Curtis, advanced on Springfield Missouri, which was occupied by a Confederate force under Major General...
In the first two years of the Civil War, the Confederate cavalry vastly outperformed its Union counterpart, especially in campaigns in the East. This led to poor morale and a defeatist attitude among the...
On February 6th, 1862, Flag Officer Andrew Foote of the U.S. Navy attacked Confederate Fort Henry located on the Tennessee River in Tennessee near the Kentucky border. Foote’s fleet totaled seven gunboats, including four...
In June of 1864, Major General William T. Sherman’s army was marching, maneuvering, and fighting its way towards Atlanta, Georgia. On June 14th, Sherman’s men were near Pine Mountain, northwest of Atlanta and not...
In the late fall of 1861, Confederate Brigadier General Felix Zollicoffer was given the task of guarding the Cumberland Gap, an important mountain pass located where Tennessee, Virginia, and Kentucky border each other. Zollicoffer...
“Mercy Street”, a six part drama set in Alexandria, Virginia during the Civil War, hits the airwaves with its premier episode on January 17th. The series focuses on a hospital in the Union occupied...
Name Meaning John is of Hebrew origin and means”God is gracious”. Vital Stats Birthday: September 13th, 1813 Birth Name: John Sedgwick Birthplace: Cornwall Hollow, Connecticut Date of Death: May 9th, 1864 Cause of death:...
Abraham Lincoln
John Buford
Ambrose E. Burnside
Joshua L. Chamberlain
George A. Custer
David G. Farragut
James A. Garfield
Ulysses S. Grant
Winfield Scott Hancock
Rutherford B. Hayes
Nathaniel Lyon
George B. McClellan
James B. McPherson
George G. Meade
John F. Reynolds
John Sedgwick
Philip H. Sheridan
William T. Sherman
Edwin M. Stanton
George H. Thomas
Jefferson Davis
Richard H. Anderson
Braxton Bragg
Patrick Cleburne
Nathan Bedford Forrest
A. P. Hill
John Bell Hood
Stonewall Jackson
Albert Sidney Johnston
Joseph E. Johnston
Robert E. Lee
James Longstreet
John S. Mosby
George E. Pickett
Leonidas Polk
Sterling Price
Edmund Kirby Smith
J.E.B. Stuart
Richard Taylor