Author: Mark


George E. Pickett Quick Facts

Name Meaning George is of Greek origin and means “farmer”. Vital Stats Birthday:  January 16, 1825 Birth Name:  George Edward Pickett Birthplace:  Richmond, Virginia Date of Death:  July 30th, 1875 Cause:  Scarlet Fever Place...


The Army of the Potomac in Winter Quarters

As a general rule, the Union Army in the east scaled back active campaigning in the winter months and constructed shelters and camps of a more substantial nature than those of the warmer times...


George G. Meade Quick Facts

Name Meaning George is of Greek origin and means “farmer” Vital Stats Birthday: December 31, 1815 Birth Name: George Gordon Meade Birthplace: Cadiz, Spain (His father was a naval agent of the U.S. government...


Abraham Lincoln’s Blind Memorandum and the 1864 Election

By late August 1864,  President Abraham Lincoln’s chances for reelection in the November election looked bleak. The military campaigns that looked promising in the spring had bogged down. Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant’s Overland Campaign in...


Civil War in the News Fall 2012

Here’s a look at a few Civil War related items in the news this fall. Missouri Man Admits He Removed Remains From Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield In an agreement with the U.S. Attorney’s Office,...