Tagged: artillery


The Death of General Leonidas Polk

In June of 1864, Major General William T. Sherman’s army was marching, maneuvering, and fighting its way towards Atlanta, Georgia. On June 14th, Sherman’s men were near Pine Mountain, northwest of Atlanta and not...


Battery B, 4th U.S. Artillery at the Battle of Antietam

Battery B of the 4th U.S. Artillery often provided artillery support for the regiments of the Iron Brigade. At the battles of Gainesville, Second Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, and Gettysburg, this Regular Army...


The Widow Blakely Cannon at Vicksburg

Confederate artillerymen at Vicksburg, Mississippi used a variety of guns to defend against U.S. Navy gunboats during the campaign and siege of that city, including smoothbore and rifled cannon, plus heavy mortars.  The rifled...


The 3 Inch Parrot Rifle in the Civil War

Both the Union and Confederate artillery forces used several types of rifled field artillery in the Civil War.  One of the more common rifled field guns was the 3 inch Parrot Rifle, named after...


The Swamp Angel at Charleston, South Carolina 1863

In July 1863, Union forces Major General Quincy Gillmore’s Army of the South landed on Morris Island outside Charleston, South Carolina.  Gillmore’s objective was to take control of Charleston Harbor and eventually, Charleston itself. ...


Portable Civil War Artillery: The Mountain Howitzer

The Model 1841 12 Pounder Mountain Howitzer was a  lightweight, scaled down field artillery weapon that was used by both the Union and Confederate armies. Most field artillery in the Civil War was transported...