Tagged: lieutenant


The Baxter Springs Massacre October 6, 1863

Although there were a few large scale battles in Missouri in the Civil War, most of the fighting in that state and in eastern Kansas consisted of smaller actions conducted by guerrilla and other irregular...


Lieutenant Adam Slemmer Refuses to Surrender Fort Pickens

While the Federal garrison at Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor was awaiting reinforcement or evacuation in the winter and spring of 1861, a similar drama was playing out in Pensacola, Florida. Three forts provided...


Ambrose Bierce and the Civil War

Ambrose Bierce was born in Ohio on June 24th, 1842.  He was the 10th of 13 children of Marcus Aurelius Bierce and his wife Laura.  The family moved to Warsaw, Indiana in 1848.  By...


The Death of General Elon J. Farnsworth at Gettysburg

Elon J. Farnsworth was born in Michigan in 1837.  At the outbreak of the Civil War, he enlisted in the 8th Illinois Cavalry as a 1st lieutenant.  He served as an aide to the...


The Battle of Sabine Pass September 1863

After the fall of Confederate strongholds at Vicksburg. Mississippi and Port Hudson, Louisiana in July 1863, the Union commander of the Department of the Gulf, Major General Nathaniel Banks, proposed that his forces attack...


Alonzo Cushing, Medal of Honor Winner

For a June 2012 update on the status Cushing’s Medal of Honor click here. The anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg on July 1st-3rd, is an appropriate time  to remember the heroics of the...