William “Buffalo Bill” Cody’s Civil War Service
In the later part of the 19th and early 20th centuries, William Cody was one of the most famous people in the world. Nicknamed Buffalo Bill from his time supplying buffalo meat to workers...
Civil War Info and Resources
In the later part of the 19th and early 20th centuries, William Cody was one of the most famous people in the world. Nicknamed Buffalo Bill from his time supplying buffalo meat to workers...
Shortly after the Union defeat at the Battle of Wilson’s Creek in August 1861, Confederate General Sterling Price marched his 10,000 man Missouri State Guard north from southwest Missouri toward the Missouri River valley....
After Major General Sterling Price’s ambitious raid through Missouri was stopped with the Union victory at the Battle of Westport Near Kansas City on October 23rd, 1864, the Confederate commander turned his forces south...
In late March of 1864, Major General Frederick Steel marched two divisions (one of infantry and one of cavalry) of his 7th Corps, Department of Arkansas, south from Little Rock, Arkansas, while Brigadier General...
White, Black, and Native American Union Soldiers Fought Confederate Native Americans and Texans for Control of Fort Gibson in Indian Territory For the first two years of the Civil War, Confederate forces generally controlled...
Like the rest of the country, the Native American population was divided as which to side to support in the Civil War. This division extended to individual tribes, with the Cherokees being perhaps the...
October 1863 in the Civil War After being defeated at Chickamauga in September, Major General William Rosecrans withdrew the Army of the Cumberland to Chattanooga. The Army of Tennessee under General Braxton Bragg occupied Lookout...
There are over 1300 monuments, tablets, statues, and markers of all types at Vicksburg National Military Park (as well as some outside the park boundaries). These monuments mark positions of individual regiments, honor unit...
Abraham Lincoln
John Buford
Ambrose E. Burnside
Joshua L. Chamberlain
George A. Custer
David G. Farragut
James A. Garfield
Ulysses S. Grant
Winfield Scott Hancock
Rutherford B. Hayes
Nathaniel Lyon
George B. McClellan
James B. McPherson
George G. Meade
John F. Reynolds
John Sedgwick
Philip H. Sheridan
William T. Sherman
Edwin M. Stanton
George H. Thomas
Jefferson Davis
Richard H. Anderson
Braxton Bragg
Patrick Cleburne
Nathan Bedford Forrest
A. P. Hill
John Bell Hood
Stonewall Jackson
Albert Sidney Johnston
Joseph E. Johnston
Robert E. Lee
James Longstreet
John S. Mosby
George E. Pickett
Leonidas Polk
Sterling Price
Edmund Kirby Smith
J.E.B. Stuart
Richard Taylor