The Emancipation Proclamation, effective January 1st, 1863, declared that anyone held as a slave in the rebellious states of the Confederacy “are, and henceforward shall be free”. Enforcement of the proclamation was essentially impossible...
Name Meaning: Edmund is of Old English origin and means “wealthy protector”. Vital Stats Birthday: May 16th, 1824 Birth Name: Edmund Kirby Smith (often referred to as Kirby Smith or E. Kirby Smith) Birthplace:...
The most famous Richmond in the Civil War is of course, Richmond, Virginia. But another Richmond, this one in east central Kentucky, also was the scene of a battle involving thousands of soldiers. In...
June 1865 and the Conclusion of the Civil War As the calendar turned to June 1865, the final shots had fired, the last of the Confederate forces were preparing to surrender, and the nation...
After the Civil War ended in the spring of 1865, those who survived the ordeal went home to resume normal lives. Many went back to being farmers, blacksmiths, businessmen, and so on in their...
May 1865 in the Civil War As the nation continued mourn the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, the transition to peace was underway. With the surrenders of the Confederate forces of Robert E. Lee and...
April 1864 in the Civil War Action was picking up as spring arrived, with skirmishes, cavalry actions, and minor fighting occurring more frequently throughout the south, although movements of the major armies would have...
September 1862 in the Civil War Confederate armies were on the move in Virginia and Kentucky as September 1862 began. Major General John Pope’s Union Army of Virginia was in the process of slowly...