The Death of Major General John Sedgwick May 9th, 1864
John Sedgwick was born in Cornwell Hollow, Connecticut in 1813 and graduated from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point in 1837. He served in the Mexican War and was a major in the 1st ...
Civil War Info and Resources
John Sedgwick was born in Cornwell Hollow, Connecticut in 1813 and graduated from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point in 1837. He served in the Mexican War and was a major in the 1st ...
On April 9th, 1865, General Robert E. Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia to Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant. This event at Appomattox Court House, Virginia is often regarded as the end of...
In the fall of 1861, Captain Jesse Taylor accepted command of the artillery at Fort Henry, a Confederate garrison on the Tennessee River near the Kentucky–Tennessee border. The Tennessee flows from eastern Tennessee southwest into...
One of the more prominent socialites and colorful characters in Richmond society during the Civil War was displaced Marylander Hetty Cary. A descendant of Thomas Jefferson, Cary was born near Baltimore in 1836, and was...
Major General William T. Sherman’s March to the Sea was near an end in mid December 1864. After capturing Fort McAllister on the Ogeechee River below Savannah, Georgia on December 13th, there was just...
Civil War seacoast mortars were very large mortars used defensively in fixed fortifications and in coast and river defense. They were also used in siege operations and occasionally in other offensive endeavors. The largest mortar...
In March of 1864, a land force consisting of the Union Army’s 19th Corps and portions of the 13th, 16th, and 17th Corps under the command of Major General Nathaniel Banks headed northwest up...
Patrick Cleburne was born near Cork, Ireland on St. Patrick’s Day in 1828. He served three years in the British Army before emigrating to the United States in 1849. He eventually settled in Helena,...
Abraham Lincoln
John Buford
Ambrose E. Burnside
Joshua L. Chamberlain
George A. Custer
David G. Farragut
James A. Garfield
Ulysses S. Grant
Winfield Scott Hancock
Rutherford B. Hayes
Nathaniel Lyon
George B. McClellan
James B. McPherson
George G. Meade
John F. Reynolds
John Sedgwick
Philip H. Sheridan
William T. Sherman
Edwin M. Stanton
George H. Thomas
Jefferson Davis
Richard H. Anderson
Braxton Bragg
Patrick Cleburne
Nathan Bedford Forrest
A. P. Hill
John Bell Hood
Stonewall Jackson
Albert Sidney Johnston
Joseph E. Johnston
Robert E. Lee
James Longstreet
John S. Mosby
George E. Pickett
Leonidas Polk
Sterling Price
Edmund Kirby Smith
J.E.B. Stuart
Richard Taylor