United States Postal Service Will Issue New Abraham Lincoln Stamp

Abraham Lincoln 20 Cent StampThe United States Postal Service will issue a new Abraham Lincoln stamp on the 16th president’s 205th birthday February 12th, 2014. The stamp will make its debut in Springfield, Illinois and will be for 20 cents, the second ounce rate for first class mail. The stamp’s design is a close up photo of the Lincoln sculpture in the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC.

In other Civil War stamp news, the postal service will continue its popular sesquicentennial  series of Civil War stamps with two new issues commemorating events of 1864. As of yet, the designs of the stamps and the date they will be issued have not been revealed, but the stamps will commemorate the  Siege of Petersburg, Virginia and the Battle of Mobile Bay, Alabama.  I’ll write a post about these stamps when more information is available.

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