Virginia’s Civil War Sesquicentennial Commemoration

One might expect the Commonwealth of Virginia, a state that was the scene of so many important events in the Civil War, to be in the forefront of the upcoming 150th anniversary commemoration of the Civil War in 2011-15.  That assumption would be correct.  Virginia got things going  back in 2006 when the state’s  General Assembly created a commission to oversee the Old Dominion’s commemoration activities.

Virginia isn’t waiting for 2011 to get started.  Recognizing the importance of events that led up to the war, Virginia began its commemoration in 2009, with the 150th anniversary of John Brown’s raid on Harper’s Ferry (in what is now West Virginia).  A check of the Calendar of Statewide Events on the Virginia Sesquicentennial webpage shows that a lot of great events are taking place already, and the next four and a half years  should be very interesting.

One ongoing event that will have benefits long after the commemoration is over is the Civil War 150 Legacy Project.  The Library of Virginia is sending archivists out to scan privately held manuscripts for inclusion on the Library’s website and the Virginia Civil War Sesquicentennial website.  The Library is looking for original letters, diaries, photographs and other material pertaining to the war.  These primary sources of information are the basis of Civil War research, so if you live in Virginia and have some of these materials in an old family album, please consider participating in the 150 Legacy Project.

Click here to visit the Virginia Civil War Sesquicentennial Webpage.


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